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Turkey – Erdogan Bashing Will Not Stop Foreign Policy Changes

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The Moon of Alabama (USA)
There is currently a lot of Erdogan bashing in the U.S. and European media. It seems that the authors of the hostile pieces would have liked
the coup to proceed. Why is a state of emergency and some restriction
on human rights in Turkey of concern when the same measures, with less
justification, were implemented in France without any protests? The
French President Hollande just pushed
a new labor law, which the population rejects, through parliament. This
without any vote and by using some very murky constitutional provision
that are only intended for emergency uses. Where is the protest in
“western” media and governments against such undermining of democracy?
The coup in Turkey failed – so far. How that came to be – who planned
it, how was it betrayed, why was it botched so very amateurishly – will
continue to be puzzling. Some answers seem plausible but there remain many open questions.

But this is of mere historic interest. The Turkish public perceives
it as a military coup against the people that thankfully failed. Erdogan
(as much as I dislike him) rescued their democracy. That the Gülen
movement, under the watch of the CIA, was involved is plausible enough
to be taken as truth. Unlike “western” liberals assume, Gülen and his
elitist, expensive schools are not liked in Turkey. The secularist see
him as a dangerous conservative Islamist, the AKP followers as a
deceitful, treacherous competition to their creed, ideals and heroes.
The Turkish public is in shock. That the military would bomb the
parliament and gun down civilians in such random ways is unprecedented.
That some creepy preacher in the always suspect U.S. was probably behind
this is taken as evident. This allows the government to take
extraordinary countermeasures. But considering the size of the event and
the trauma its has caused Erdogan’s response (so far) is rather mild.
The Turkish government has suspended or fired some 40,000 people.
Nearly 10,000 were detained, most of which are military rank and file
somehow involved in the coup. They will soon be free again. The people
suspended and fired are only one percent of the 3,000,000 strong public
workforce. An additional 27,000 private teachers had their licenses
revoked. These are staff of Gülen’s charter schools which are now
After the 1980 military coup in Turkey, (in a population half today’s size), the number of detained, fired, convicted and executed were on a much, much higher scale:

  • 650,000 people were under arrest.
  • 1,683,000 people were blacklisted.
  • 230,000 people were tried in 210,000 lawsuits.
  • 7,000 people were recommended for the death penalty.
  • 517 persons were sentenced to death.

The military in 1980 brutally revolutionize the society and pressed it into a strict Kemalist, secular frame. One can see the current counter coup as an attempt to correct, or even undo that revolution.
Compared to the military coup of 1980 the current action by the
Erdogan government is very tame. People in Turkey know this and have
little concern. “Western” liberal writers, influenced by Gülen elements in high regard
in their own societies, ignore that fact. I do not expect Erdogan to go
after the secular or nationalist opposition parties as long as these
are not under foreign influence. He has a comfortable majority and no
need to shun the democratic mantle. That would only harm his plans for
an Islamist, Ottoman Turkey and the further steps towards that.
Of interest now is the future development of Turkey’s foreign policy.
Electricity to the U.S./NATO base in Incirlik has today been restored
after it was stopped for a week without any sound reason. The warning
that this was is by now understood. If the U.S., or NATO, make too much
trouble they will be kicked out of Turkey. Before the coup Turkey
already renewed relations with Russia and Israel. Iran spoke out against
the coup while it was still ongoing and the plotters seemed to win.
That will give it some bonus points. Turkey pulled back the troops that
were illegally stationed in Iraq. All this points to some redirection fo
Turkish foreign policy from a solely “western” to a more Eurasian view.
The big question is Syria on which Russia demands that Turkey changes its position. What will Erdogan do with regard to it?
There are signs that he will change his policies there too. There are
already reports that Turkish intelligence agents in Syria are in
retreat. Turkey may well completely stop the support for the Jihadis and
close its borders. The Turkish point man on Syria so far was the
intelligence chief Hakan Fide. He was recruiting, supplying and
controlling the Jihadis and running the whole show. There are now signs that he will soon get fired. He will be made the fall guy for not detecting the coup early enough:

Deputy Prime Minister Nurettin Canikli said on Friday that
deep-rooted changes will be made to the National Intelligence Agency of
Turkey (MİT).

“It is very clear that there were significant
gaps and deficiencies in our intelligence, there is no point trying to
hide it or deny it. I told it to the head of national intelligence,”
President Erdoğan told Reuters in an interview at the presidential
palace in Ankara.

Turkey’s biggest concern now are the Kurds who seem to have U.S. military support to unite and to organize into an independent state with huge petroleum reserves (pdf).
I expect Turkey to make nice with the governments in Tehran, Baghdad
and Damascus (with Russia as the grand power behind) to defeat the
common threat of an independent Kurdish state. The plan will be to
divide the Kurds into various factions and to instigate these to fight
each other. That is usually not difficult. It has worked “well” for
hundreds of years and always kept the Kurds from asserting a united
national state.
Neither Iran, nor Russia, nor Syria or Iraq will trust Turkey. They
will look for any small sign that it might fall back into a hostile
position and will be prepared
for treason. It will take years for Erdogan to regain good standing
with any of them. But he has to start somewhere. The foreign policy of
the last years has brought nothing but huge problems for Turkey. The
botched coup gives Erdogan the chance to completely change direction
and to it fast The U.S., NATO, Saudi Arabia and the UAE will attempt 
to undermine those changes. The current Erdogan bashing is part of that.
It will fail as it has no echo within Turkey.
Following Iranian advice Erdogan is keeping his people in the streets and plazas. The first attempt of the 1953 CIA coup in Iran on August 15 failed. Four days later another attempt succeeded. The danger for the Turkish democracy is not over.

Γενικά θέματα

Το Ισραήλ στέλνει στη Ντόχα επικεφαλής της Μοσάντ και της Σιν Μπετ! “Ολοκληρώθηκε” η συμφωνία λέει η Χαμάς – Αναμένεται η έγκριση από Νετανιάχου

Ο διευθυντής της CIA Ουίλιαμ Μπερνς εκτίμησε τις συνεχιζόμενες διαπραγματεύσεις στη Ντόχα ως «αρκετά σοβαρές», ενώ ο εκπρόσωπος του Συμβουλίου Εθνικής Ασφαλείας του Λευκού Οίκου Τζον Κίρμπι είπε ότι πιστεύει ότι είναι πιθανή μια συμφωνία ομήρων πριν από τις 20 Ιανουαρίου.



Το γραφείο του πρωθυπουργού Μπενιαμίν Νετανιάχου ανακοίνωσε το βράδυ του Σαββάτου ότι αποφάσισε να στείλει μια αντιπροσωπεία υψηλού επιπέδου στο Κατάρ για να ενώσει τις προσπάθειες για τη σύναψη συμφωνίας κατάπαυσης του πυρός ομήρων με την τρομοκρατική ομάδα της Χαμάς.

Η ομάδα που αναχώρησε το βράδυ του Σαββάτου και περιλαμβάνει τον αρχηγό της Μοσάντ Ντέιβιντ Μπαρνέα, τον διευθυντή της Shin Bet, Ρον Μπαρ, τον όμηρο του IDF, τον Υποστράτηγο (αναπ.) Νίτζαν Άλον, και τον πολιτικό σύμβουλο του Νετανιάχου, Οφίρ Φαλκ.

Η απόφαση λήφθηκε αφού ο Νετανιάχου πραγματοποίησε αξιολόγηση της κατάστασης σχετικά με τις συνεχιζόμενες συνομιλίες για τους ομήρους. Μαζί του στη συνάντηση ήταν ο υπουργός Άμυνας Ισραήλ Κατς, οι αρχηγοί ασφαλείας του Ισραήλ και αξιωματούχοι από την κυβέρνηση Μπάιντεν και την επερχόμενη κυβέρνηση Τραμπ. Συναντήθηκε με τον επερχόμενο απεσταλμένο του Τραμπ στη Μέση Ανατολή Στιβ Γουίτκοφ στην Ιερουσαλήμ νωρίτερα την ημέρα.

Πηγές της Χαμάς ισχυρίστηκαν το Σάββατο ότι επετεύχθη συμφωνία και περίμενε την τελική έγκριση του Νετανιάχου.

Οι ειδήσεις του Channel 13 επικαλέστηκαν δύο πηγές που εμπλέκονται στις διαπραγματεύσεις ότι η κίνηση έρχεται εν μέσω «γενικής προσεκτικής προόδου» στις συνομιλίες με τους μεσολαβητές στο Κατάρ.

Ανώτερος Ισραηλινός αξιωματούχος είπε στο δίκτυο ότι η Χαμάς δεν έχει ακόμη παράσχει λίστα με ζωντανούς ομήρους στο Ισραήλ.

Συγγενείς ομήρων που κρατούνται στη Γάζα διαδηλώνουν έξω από τα κεντρικά γραφεία του Κόμματος Λικούντ στο Τελ Αβίβ, 8 Ιανουαρίου 2025 (Zohar Bar-Yehuda μέσω των ομάδων διαμαρτυρίας υπέρ της δημοκρατίας)

Ανώτατη πηγή στη Χαμάς είπε στο Κατάρ Al-Araby Al-Jadeed το Σάββατο ότι η προτεινόμενη συμφωνία είχε ουσιαστικά ολοκληρωθεί, με τους μεσολαβητές να περιμένουν τώρα την έγκριση του Νετανιάχου πριν ανακοινώσουν τη συμφωνία.

Δεν υπήρξε εξωτερική επιβεβαίωση του ισχυρισμού.

Το πρακτορείο ανέφερε επίσης ότι στο πλαίσιο της συμφωνίας, το Ισραήλ δεν θα αποχωρούσε πλήρως από τον Διάδρομο Φιλαδέλφειας κατά μήκος των συνόρων Γάζας-Αιγύπτου μέχρι την τελευταία ημέρα της τελικής φάσης της συμφωνίας, αφού σταδιακά απέσυρε τις δυνάμεις του σε προηγούμενα στάδια.

Η πηγή είπε ότι η Χαμάς συμφώνησε να αναβάλει πολλά ανεπίλυτα σημεία διαμάχης με το Ισραήλ για μια μεταγενέστερη φάση της συμφωνίας, εάν τα επόμενα στάδια εφαρμοστούν χωρίς καθυστέρηση και όπως απαιτείται.

Η πηγή ισχυρίστηκε ότι Αιγύπτιοι, Κατάρ και Αμερικανοί μεσολαβητές υποστήριξαν την τελευταία θέση της Χαμάς στις διαπραγματεύσεις.

Επιπλέον, η πηγή είπε ότι οι συνομιλίες βρίσκονται τώρα «στο πιο κοντινό σημείο [ακόμη] για την ολοκλήρωση της συμφωνίας», προσθέτοντας ότι η Χαμάς και οι μεσολαβητές ανέμεναν απάντηση από το Ισραήλ το Σάββατο.

Το Ισραήλ υποστήριξε προηγουμένως ότι δεν θα συμφωνούσε σε οποιαδήποτε κατάπαυση του πυρός που θα το ανάγκαζε να τερματίσει πλήρως τον πόλεμο, όπως φαινομενικά θα απαιτούσε η συμφωνία τριών φάσεων.

Η έκθεση του Κατάρ πρόσθεσε επίσης ότι εάν το Ισραήλ συμφωνήσει με τη συμφωνία, οι μεσολαβούσες χώρες θα πραγματοποιήσουν συνέντευξη Τύπου ανακοινώνοντας τις λεπτομέρειες, το χρονοδιάγραμμα και την ημερομηνία έναρξης της συμφωνίας.

Ο εκλεγμένος πρόεδρος Ντόναλντ Τραμπ μιλά καθώς ακούει ο Steve Witkoff, κατά τη διάρκεια μιας συνέντευξης Τύπου στο Mar-a-Lago, 7 Ιανουαρίου 2025, στο Palm Beach της Φλόριντα. (AP/ Evan Vucci)

Ο Witkoff συναντήθηκε στην Ντόχα την Παρασκευή με τον Πρωθυπουργό του Κατάρ Μοχάμεντ μπιν Αμπντουλραχμάν Αλ Θάνι, ο οποίος τον ενημέρωσε για τις συνεχιζόμενες διαπραγματεύσεις.

Οι αναφορές ήρθαν αφού αξιωματούχοι στην Ουάσιγκτον εξέφρασαν συγκρατημένη αισιοδοξία την Παρασκευή σχετικά με τις προοπτικές να κλείσει μια συμφωνία κατάπαυσης του πυρός ομήρων στη Γάζα πριν από το τέλος της θητείας του προέδρου των ΗΠΑ Τζο Μπάιντεν.

Ο διευθυντής της CIA Ουίλιαμ Μπερνς εκτίμησε τις συνεχιζόμενες διαπραγματεύσεις στη Ντόχα ως «αρκετά σοβαρές», ενώ ο εκπρόσωπος του Συμβουλίου Εθνικής Ασφαλείας του Λευκού Οίκου Τζον Κίρμπι είπε ότι πιστεύει ότι είναι πιθανή μια συμφωνία ομήρων πριν από τις 20 Ιανουαρίου.

Συνέχεια ανάγνωσης

Γενικά θέματα

Yedioth Ahonoth: Israel prepares for Trump’s return and for a joint attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities



από τον

The deputy commander of the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), Vice Admiral Brad Cooper, landed in Israel last week for a visit and met with the deputy chief of staff, Major General Amir Baram. The parties discussed shipments of critical weapons that the outgoing Biden administration has delayed and improving readiness for a possible joint attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.
The IDF Spokesperson reported that Baram and Cooper visited a number of Israeli Air Force bases, where a review of joint operational operations took place. “In addition, a joint discussion was held regarding the threats from Yemen and cooperation with the U.S. military,” the IDF spokesman reported.
3 View gallery

נתניהו, טראמפ,  חמינאי, נתנז איראן  תקיפה באזור ביטחוני בסוריה

Who will strike Iranian nuclear facilities
(Photo: Iranian Leader’s Press Office – HandoutGetty Images , AP, shutterstock)
Trump did not rule out the possibility that he would order an attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities or support such an attack by Israel. At a press conference about three weeks ago, the president-elect was asked about a possible preemptive strike against Iranian nuclear facilities, amid reports that his team was considering such a step, and replied that he does not rule out any action.
Tehran is preparing for Trump’s return to the White House, and amid Israeli threats, Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi declared about two weeks ago that “2025 will be an important year in terms of the Iranian nuclear issue.”
Araghchi made the remarks after a meeting with his Chinese counterpart in Beijing. He did not mention Donald Trump or elaborate on the significance of 2025. It is possible that his remarks were related to Trump’s return, and Iranian fears that his entry into the White House would strengthen Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

סגן מפקד פיקוד המרכז בצבא ארה"ב אדמירל בראד קופר בביקור בבסיס נבטים בהשתתפות סגן ראש המטה הכללי, אלוף אמיר ברעם

VADM Cooper and MG Baram
(Photo: IDF)
According to the latest quarterly report published by the IAEA in November, Iran has already accumulated a fairly significant amount of 60% enriched uranium, an amount that is enough for four nuclear bombs. According to the report, as of October 26, the amount of uranium enriched to this level stands at 182.3 kg – an increase of 17.6 kg since August.
In order for uranium to be used to produce nuclear weapons, it must be enriched to a level of 90%, but nuclear scientists explain that the path from 60% to 90% is quite short and is considered a “technical” step which can be done in a few days or weeks.
Israel and the U.S. are discussing the Biden Administration’s delayed weapons shipment, which includes 1,700 heavy bombs, 134 D9 Caterpillar bulldozers, and additional weapons. The IDF is already preparing to target Iran’s nuclear facilities by improving readiness for a possible joint attack with the U.S.

דחפור D9 רצועת עזה

The use of these bulldozers by the IDF led to major internal criticism in the U.S., protests and tremendous pressure on the Biden administration which gave in and froze the shipment. An examination conducted by Ynet in November revealed that dozens of IDF D9 bulldozers require maintenance. These bulldozers were also needed in southern Lebanon.
“At the height of the fighting in Gaza, about a year ago, battalion commanders ‘fought’ over D9 bulldozers, making it necessary to carry out maintenance on them,” said an IDF commander in November. It is difficult to officially and directly link the deadly results of the raid in Jabaliya in October and November, and the 21 fighters killed in about a month, many from IEDs, to the dire need for D9 bulldozers.
In these operations, the bulldozers are usually the first to lead the combat teams, safely clearing “dirty” areas from explosives that are set to explode and harm infantry and armored soldiers. At the same time, it is clear this tool is not only operationally effective against tunnels and in built-up areas, but also protects soldiers’ lives.
The US is still freezing a shipment of about 1,300 bombs for the Israeli Air Force, which the defense establishment has already purchased from Boeing – in shekels and not in aid dollars – weighing close to a ton per bomb, on the similar claim that the IDF could harm the civilian Gazan population with them. Half of this shipment, which was frozen about six months ago by the administration and caused a stir, has reached the IDF, but about half is still stuck in warehouses in the U.S. In addition, the defense establishment currently rents engineering tools for forces in the field from private contractors.
Συνέχεια ανάγνωσης

Γενικά θέματα

Τί είπε ο Φιντάν με τον Γκολάνι;

Ο Σάββας Καλεντερίδης στην εκπομπή της Κυριακής 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2024



από τον

Θέματα Εκπομπής 22ας Δεκεμβρίου 2024
1. Τι είπαν Φιντάν και Γκολάνι στην κοινή συνέντευξη τύπου στη Δαμασκό
2. Ποιο προβλέπεται να είναι το μέλλον της Συρίας 39:40
3. Οι Χούθι αφήνουν να εννοηθεί ότι η δική τους αντιαεροπορική άμυνα κατέρριψε το F/A-18 των ΗΠΑ στην Ερυθρά Θάλασσα 48:00
4. ΗΠΑ: Ο Τραμπ απειλεί να πάρει πίσω από τον Παναμά την Διώρυγα 56:20
6. Ρωσία-Ουκρανία: Οι τελευταίες εξελίξεις 01:01:00

Συνέχεια ανάγνωσης


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